The Frog Blog

J.R. Sparlin discusses things

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"The Angel of the Bastille" To Be Published

I’ve spent the last few days recovering from the tornado that ripped by one-half mile from my house.  I am very grateful that my family and I are all okay.  The power went out and we lost all the food in the fridge, but that’s a very small price.

But I did get some good news yesterday.  My short story, “The Angel of the Bastille,” was accepted for publication in Timeless, a young adult e-anthology of historical and historical fantasy stories.  It’s being published by Pugalicious Press, a great new small publisher.  More details as they emerge!

I am also now on Goodreads under the name Jennifer Sparlin.  I’m still working the bugs out of my author profile, but please stop by!